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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

When I Grow Up, I Want to Be...

On this second week of Pre-K, my son was sent home with the "All About Me" assignment, which is a great way for students to share information about themselves. As we put it together today, I laughed hysterically at some of his responses. For example, it asks for his favorite food, in which he replied, "pineapple." I have no idea where that came from because every time he has tried pineapple he has spit it right out. Or he had more obvious answers like his favorite thing to do: play.

Then there was finish the phrase, "When I grow up, I want to be." His first response was Jacob. I looked at him and saw this innocent look that made my heart melt. There are different levels on how I can take that response. The first level would be his level of knowing his name and just wanting to be called by his name. Of course, I looked at it on another level of him always just being the person he is - not someone trying to be what others want them to be. Yeah, I know he isn't thinking of that last one.

As I was about to write down his name, I thought that maybe I should go with the assignment a little more and ask what he might want to do when he grows up. After he heard that, he immediately responded with:

"When I grow up, I want to be a Spider-Man football player."

Once he decided on that, he decided to start laying down the ground work for his future career. And here are the pictures to prove it!


Anonymous said...

I am sooooo laughing right now! He is such a kick! I love the flip flops to finish the outfit! -Liz

The Mrs. said...

That is so sweet I just love it.

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