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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday Night: Must See TV

While there are 7 nights of the week, there is only 1 night that I absolutely can not miss when it comes to TV. Oh yeah, I am talking about Wednesday night!

ABC has managed to put together a sitcom lineup that I can get on board with. I will admit that I don't watch The Middle at 8pm because usually I am still reading books to my kids who should be asleep by 8pm, but I have heard the show if funny.

My night starts at 8:30 with Better With You, a great new comedy that sits me down on the couch. By 9:00, I am in full lock down mode for Modern Family and then my main event, Cougar Town. (Oh, who am I kidding, I am up washing and drying dishes during the commercials, but every mom is doing that kind of stuff, right?)

I religiously watched Cougar Town last season, but only caught a few Modern Family episodes. Sofia Vergara's accent and delivery is comedy in itself. And what is great about sitcoms is that you don't have to know all the back story, you can just start laughing with the present. So if you haven't started watching, you probably should.

"Penny can!!!"

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1 comment:

nanny said...

I love Modern Family! I try to decide which character I like best and I just can't pick one...they are each perfect!!!!

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