Here's what you need to do...
- Post a comment sharing your Father's Day gift idea...remember creativity and thoughtfulness counts!
- All comments must be received by 12 noon PST on Friday, June 6 to be eligible. No anonymous comments will be accepted.
We will post the winner and their Father's Day gift idea shortly after the contest closes (so that you have enough time to perhaps recreate the gift for that special dad in your life). Please keep checking back because the winner will not be contacted!
Good luck!
My husband loves to fish, so the family is making him a picture of a fish out of fish hooks and fishing line. After it is all glued on the board it will be framed.
I am getting my Dad a lovely hammock for the backyard
Dad is getting a new golf club as that is his favorite sport.
My dad LOVE his fancy red car...love to wash it, fix it, drive it...everything. I am making a gift basket with car wash stuff, smelly stuff for inside, motor oil, gas card..etc...everything to do with his car.
My children and I have decided to surprise my husband with a trip to Disney World! He loves Disney, and we have been picking up little figurines and Disney things at garage sales. We plan on making him a big breakfast, and putting the figurines on his tray, and then handing him his card with all the trip info in it! Of course, the kids are making Mickey Mouse waffles!! cdziuba@aol.com
My husband never asks for anything. He works two jobs to help us make ends meet and we spend money cautiously and stick to a budget. Just recently my husband was admiring my brothers GPS unit. Our kids usually give him home made gifts and usually my husband and I don't buy gifts for each other, but this year, we got my husband a GPS. We can't wait to give this to him. We know that he'll be so thrilled.
Thanks for this giveaway.
We are taking him out for brunch and then giving him a sketchbook of his life so far with our kids.
We have recently moved from home in Tennessee to Idaho. I am giving my dad two weeks with his grand kids. They really miss having him around all the time.
I am making a DVD of pictures for my dad. It has pictures of the grandkids, kids, and then special ones of just him and me. I'm going to have a letter that I am writing to him in the background about how much I appreciate him. They are going to play it at church on Father's Day and surprise him. He's a great father and deserves only the best this year and every year.
I'm buying my husband a left-handed wrench.He always teases me about a left handed wrench,well i finally found one in a joke store.
I'll be giving my husband new trees (planted in the yard) - he's been wanting to buy and plant them for the past year, but has been too busy. I'm going to have it done for him!
It's not terribly created but my dad loved to go to ballgames.
He also liked old-time banjo music so I could've made him a special DVD of all banjo music.
My dad has always admired an old weather vane I own. I found a blacksmith who could duplicate it and will be giving him this for fathers day.
My dad's dreamis to travel the world- but alas, the finances are lacking. Instead, last year I gave him 5 different gift cards to 5 retaurants. Which ones? Italian, Mexican, Indian, Chinese, and Cuban! Now he can travel the [culinary] world in his hometown. He absolutely loved it!
Take your dad fishing - he will love it.
Oh.please No!
Not another Tie!
I'll never ever wear it!
I cannot tell a lie!
Just give me something sporty,
Just something I can use,
As long as its not frilly,
I don't care what you choose!
How about tickets to my favorite team?
Or wash and wax my car?
Not socks or underwear,
It will make me want to scream!
And don't forget that great big hug.
I want that most of all.
It's wonderful now when you're small,
And will also be the best
As you grow real tall!
Just a nice dinner and a quiet day at home with our family.
For Father's Day I plan on waking my husband up around 5:30am (the fishing's good at that time), getting a quick bite to eat and the five of us have a day out on the water fishing for our dinner...he is a fisherman and these are the moments he loves the most. Having a packed lunch, fishing bate and the water to fish with is a spectacular gift in the making. At the end of the day is cake and gift time (after we've cooked our daily catching)...A new fishing basket filled with all the items needed to have a great "next" trip out on the water. Cake; well his favorite is Italian creme cake (which I've learned to make quite well over the last fourteen years), and finally, after the kids are tucked into bed it's mom and dads turn to enjoy the evening in celebration of fathers.
Great contest!!!!
After he comes home from work because he works on weekends I am hoping to take him out to dinner since the last time we went out to dinner was at the beginning of my pregnancy - My son is 13 months now (its been a while)
get him a coffee mug with "#1 dad" printed on it.
A calendar! We are making one at one of the photo sites so we can use pictures of our family. You can make them at home, too. Once mine gets here, I am going to fill it in with important dates (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.). I think I may also get him tickets to a concert or sporting event and mark that date in the calendar as an added surprise.
egreca [at] hotmail [dot] com
I'm flying 3000 miles to Alabama from Washington to spend the entire month with my dad. He just turned 70, so any time spent with him is precious. He was just diagnosed with prostate cancer, and is going in for surgery the 16th of this month.
This year finances are a bit a tight because my husband has been gracious enough to let me stay home from work to raise our two kids. But I want him to know how special he is, so the kids are going to make daddy something special from Color Me Mine and I am not going to nag him for an entire day (which believe me, is very tough).
Thanks for the fun contest!
One father's day gift I gave was a photo of me when I was little (about 4 yrs old and cute!) in a big recliner. I had it put on a coffee mug. He was very surprised and delighted for the reminder that his 40 yr old daughter was once a little girl.
Start a video diary from my daughter ...a tradition each year she adds a father's day love commentary...can you imagine him watching this on the day before his daughter gets married?! priceless!
3beez at bellsouth dot net
Give your father a gift card to a golf course and set the date for his tee time. While he is out playing. Have a lawn service come over and cut the grass for him so he doesn't have to do it. When he gets back have a glass of tea set outside for him and cook him some bbq outside for a great cap to the day.
My daughter put her hands in paint and made to "Flowers". By putting her hands on paper and than drawing a stem and leaves below the handprint, it looks like a beautiful flower. Than we are framing it!
Dad always washes our cars when he comes to visit us. This time we'd like to visit him---and get up early on Father's Day so one of us can run to Starbucks for a cup of his favorite coffee and pick him up a newspaper while the others make him his favorite waffle and egg breakfast. Then when he finally settles down with his fresh Starbucks and news, we'll all go outside to the front driveway and wash HIS truck!!
One thing my dad always loved was when we would take some of the old pictures we had at home and have them made onto a video. It always made him cry. Now, they can be made onto a DVD.
My dad always appreciates a very special letter that describes the things we used to do, places he used to take me and songs we used to sing. He is 88 now and those are what he loves now are happy memories.
I live on the opposite coast from my dad so I don't get to be with him for Father's Day very often. This year I am going to be visiting him for my half-sister's high school graduation, which happens to be a few days before Father's Day. This will be the first time ever that my sister, half-sister and myself will be together with my Dad for Father's Day. It will be so special! I am making t-shirts with iron-on transfers for each of us. My Dad's will say "Incredible Dad!" with a picture of Mr. Incredible on it. And the sister's shirts will say "My Dad is Incredible!", also with a picture of Mr. Incredible. I can't wait to get pictures!
Although finances are too tight this year, I really wanted to give my husband a ManCave for Father's Day!! Just a small place in the house he can call his own. I would install cable (and program his favorite shows to record on the DVR) and a computer with internet access, so he can get his game on (he's a big gamer). I would also make sure there is a mini-fridge, stocked with his favorite beverage (which happens to be mountain dew). And of course, I wouldn't forget the big, comfy recliner, with a nice fleece blanket for those cold Sundays watching football. I would also put photos and posters of his favorite sports team (NE Patriots), and other things he enjoys, like fishing. Oh, and photos of me and the kids, so he remembers to come out once in a while!!
2 years ago, I moved 2,300 miles from my parents. We aren't able to be together on Fathers Day. I always send him a card and a gift basket. I surely miss being his little girl and getting to ride his motorcycle with him! That was OUR bonding time! He probably enjoied it because I was talker, and the bike was so loud, he didn't get to hear a word I said!!
On my hubbys first fathers day I made breakfast and sent him on a scavenger hunt around the house, I didnt have much money at all to get him something big so having the little hunt for his little gift made it seem so much bigger!
num1twinkie at yahoo dot com
Dad's gone now.
On Father's Day I'll plant an oak tree in his memory because our family name means "of the oaks".
The tree can be where his sons and daughters and grandchildren and great-grandchildren, on down generations and through the ages, can gather to tell stories about who he was, what he did, how he worked, when he sacrificed, where he traveled and what he gave to all of us.
I wanted to get hubby a new leaf blower as our is close to dead...but being the frugal couple we are --- he is instead buying a new gas tank (over 50 bucks) for the one we have and repairing it. So that's his present, a new gas tank for a leaf blower~~ odd to say the least.
My dad loves to cook but lives in a small, rural town, so he has trouble getting ingredients locally. I'm making up a basket full of spices and gourmet ingredients so that he can pursue his favorite hobby without the frustration of not having that one exotic ingredient he needs.
One of the most fun gifts is a basket full of nostalgia. Find out what dad liked as a kid--G.I. Joes? Mr. Ed? Superman comics? Then search flea markets, antique stores, and online shops for pieces from the past. Maybe he never got that G.I. Joe in the 1960s, but you can find a 1960s G.I. Joe for him today!
My husband is a gadget guy and getting him the perfect gift often is out of the budget. So this year, he's getting a day geared around him. I'll be making his favorite treats in the kitchen (no nagging about eating healthy!) and we'll be spending the day doing activities he likes to do. Of course this is complete with homemade cards from the kids.
For my dad, it's easy. He loves pictures. He'll be getting a personalized photobook of his grandkids - a gift he's sure to love!
I'm going to take my daughters father out to dinner...Since money is very tight, I am going to use a gift card I got as a gift...and the restaurant is really nice! It's a Jazz place and he always talks to his brother about wanting to go there...I'm also going to call his brother and ask him if he would like to come along!
My husband would love for our kids & grandkids to come over and mow the yard, weed eat, plant a couple flowers and let him have a week off from this chore.
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We are giving my husband the day off...he gets to play golf with his brother and friends.
My Dad loves wine! Throughout the year I save wine corks from bottles we have shared at family gatherings. I then take the corks and hot glue gun them to a frame and put a picture of my Dad and I in it. And of course he gets a bottle of wine with it too! Try it... it's easy, fun to make and a makes a great personal gift for any wine lover!
A great gift for my father is a pair of tickets for his favorite basketball team - IU. Plus a hotel room in bloomington and the special edition roster book with all the stats, photos and other crap.
I'm getting my dad a guided tour of the San Francisco Bay Area in a small plane which he gets to fly while in the air!!!!
I gave my grandfather canvas photos of the ships he was on when in the navy...he loved it!
a new high tech bowling ball with his name engraved on it
Oh, I don't know. How 'bout a dildo so he can shove it up his ass?!
Make a "We love you because.." book. Buy or make a blank journal and some colored pencils, crayons, markers ad stickers. Have your kids each give reasons why they love their dad and write "We love you because... and one reason on each page with that child's name and let each child decorate their pages. Mom can also write reasons why she loves him too. We did this for my hubby at christmas, but it would be better for Father's Day.
Craft supplies
My children and I are going to do all of the lawn work that weekend while Dad relaxes!
I would get him some fancy car wash, synthetic oil, and other stuff for his brand new car. He'd never get it otherwise.
Even though my father has been deceased since 1992, I still remember him on Father's Day. I pack a special lunch and have lunch with my dad at his grave.
His favorite drink was a Manhattan, so I take one of those as well.
Try making it his day - anything he wants to do, all day long. If that turns out to be watching sports on
TV and eating corn chips, be excited
about that.
send to MIS for NASCAR race
I'm giving my dad a nice shaver. :)
For his first father's day, my husband will be getting a framed picture of him and our daughter, plus an update for his GPS.
My husband is getting to rent ppv wrestling, a steak dinner, and a back rub
My husband is getting flash lite and a sword. We will dress him up as a pirate and he will go treasure hunting in the garage for tools we bought him.
My kids are getting my husband a day just for him. We'll go on a short hike, swim at the Y, and browse an electronic store. At every meal we will have some sort of hot dog or sausage (His favorite forbidden food) and hopefully some starbucks. Oh Lord, I hope I make it through the day... stupid awesome Mother's Day! :) (kidding it'll be fun) Thanks for the giveaway!
We got him a horseshoe set and a magnet with all of us dressed in our New England Patriots gear for his desk at work :)
If I could round up the right pictures for it, I'd love to make my dad a calendar that starts in June (1. for Father's Day, 2. the month I was born) and have a picture from my birth up through my first year.
I've never seen my Dad, which means he's never seen me, so I would send him a photo album of me growing up and pics of my kids now, just to show him how well we've done without him!
A day for golf and dinner with the kids we do this every year because thats his favorite thing to do.
my poor dad had had 4 heart attacks in the last 2 months. As a result, he was put on a strict vegan diet. So I'm going to make him a a whole wheat, carob dairy-free/egg-free cake.. eww.. its better than nothing!
I help my daughters make a t-shirt for Father's Day for my husband. They put their handprints, names, year, and sometimes other decorations with fabric paint and markers. It's fun to see how much of a change there has been from previous years and he proudly wears them too.
I will definitely buy something fishing related. That is his favorite passtime.
We are all grown, and spread out in differant states. My dad, being a creature of habit, listens to the same radio show on Sundays. I call, and request a song. I name all three of us and tell everyone what a great dad he is, knowing his friends are listening. It really brightens his day.
We recently charted our genology while in Scotland and then had it colligraphied and framed for dad.
We love monkeys, so I had a family portrait made at monkeymuseum.com.
Time. He doesn't need 'things' and he's most appreciative of visits, taking him out to eat, taking him to the doctor, whatever he needs.
My dad has always thought he has a good singing voice (the rest of the famiy isn't so sure :-)
Were going to surprise him by taking him to make his own record. He is going to be totally shocked and thrilled at the same time.
This gift is something he would never expect to get in a million years!
Thank you for the great giveaway!
Give your kids a list of statements about their dad and let them finish them in their own cute way. They can also draw pictures to go along with it.
Compile it all into a book that they can give it on Father's Day.
Great giveaway! Count me in. bebemiqui82(at)yahoo(dot)com
I will have my two children hand make a card and together we will fix a beautiful brunch and go to the beach to enjoy a nice family day.
My kids dad is a school bus driver, so I plan on getting him some magnets he can stick to the walls of the school bus, with pictures of the kids in them.
I know he'll like showing off his kids to his other kids! :)
I keep telling the kids that there is nothing he loves better than to get the gift cards to Starbucks! He loves going in there every day, and using his card instead of having to pay! jeo31051@yahoo.com
What I'm working on right now is compiling digital photos of the kids over the last year and loading them onto a digital photo frame which he will be able to put on his office desk. I hope that he's really going to love it. I know I would!
My dad just got a new grill, so we got him grilling tools, a grill cover, a grilling cookbook and some gourmet BBQ sauce! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Since my dad lives to fish, I am going to go fishing with him without his grandkids, so that he can fish all day instead of water skiing.
I am getting my father and my husband photo gifts of the kids from shutterfly. You can get trinket boxes, ties, pillow cases, photo books, many cool thing that are personal and wonderful because they have pictures of the ones you love the most.
I like giving funny gifts. My dad loves food, so i'm gonna give a gift certificate to the local grocery store.
Chocolate chip pancakes, homemade cards and a barbecue with the family!
An invitation to my wedding! That will mean a great deal for my dad!
Buy a white utility bucket from a hardware store and then fill it up with a bunch of mini gifts that Dad would enjoy. To make it more personal and decorative, you can tape photos or pictures from magazines of things that Dad enjoys, like fishing, golf, hiking, etc. on the outside of the bucket.
This will sound odd.
My Father always wanted to retire in a log cabin. Well, he passed away recently. So, we are going to find a log cabin urn for his ashes.
My dad never wants anything except lottery tickets or extra cash for the casino!
Idea #1
Find out what the #1 song was the year your dad was born and the year you were born (from a son or daughter) or if it's for your husband- the year he was born and the year your kids were born. Then search the internet or stores that sell old 45's. Find a cool frame to mount them in.
Idea #2
Try to find a picture of your dad with his dad when he was little. Then find a picture of you with your dad when you were little. Find a frame that holds 2 photos and you have a special cherished memory. If it's for your husband- find a photo of him with his dad when he was little and put a photo of him with your kids in a similar frame.
Greetings, My elderly dad has had blurry vision for about 2 years now. His eye specialist had told him that he needed corneas, but with his macular degeneration, the surgery may cause him to go blind. My sister and I finally worried so much about him wanting to live alone and be independent, we decided to finally see another specialist. We were sent to a man who said that what the first doctor said about blindness was false! To make a long story short, dad has had two new corneas and can see pretty well again. His mobility is better and he can see my sons playing baseball again!!!!! That can be good or bad. LOL He keeps thanking us for taking care of him and for his renewed site. It is almost a miracle. I would love to win this for my older sister because she and her husband are coffee lovers deluxe! By the way, our dad will be turning 90 years young in July! Many thanks, Cindi
i am all about personalizing and things from the heart. i got my hubby a flash drive but he needs it for svhool. i personalized a computer mouse with pictures of my kids for him. my daughters made hima card. we are planning on taking him out to dinner. my husband always complains about rushing to make coffee before school. this would be a perfect gift
My dh loves the plates you make at a pottery place. He loves getting them with the girls handprints or footprints on them. Thank you!
my dad's a private investigator, so one father's day we got him a hat with a spy camera in it, he really liked it and he uses it a couple of times
Hand made coupon book. Ours will be geared from newborn child, ie., "Free Saturday morning sleep in"
Starbucks giftcard would be a nice addition...
smithpatty at comcast dot net
One of my Dad's favorite gifts was aa coupon for a day of shopping...for presents for my mom on her birthday. The day included lunch, shopping advice and gift wrapping.
I am making a Red Sox gift basket, consisting of DVDs,Red sox peanuts,mug etc. I am decorating the basket with red and white ribbon.
My husband is very handy and would LOVE a fancy laser level :).
My husband loves vintage WWII aircraft, especially the B-27 Bomber. My hope is to one year buy him a ride on that plane, it would be such an experience!
dad's a retired marine, so naturally i buy him navy hats as often as possible
I bought my father a DVD season of his favorite tv show. On Father's Day we will take him out to eat and spend the day with him.
We are getting "Dad" a Duffle bag on wheels with a pull out handle. He really needs a new bag for the week-end trips that we like to take. He likes coffee too.
we once got my father a little blow up row boat for the pool, he loved that thing!
We are kidnapping him and taking him to the coast. He always wants to go and with gas so high he is sure it isn't happening this year. Plus the girls bought him a year's membership to the zoo since he LOVES taking his granddaughter there. AND we are buying him lobster for dinner. Something he always jokes about and this time he gets it.
Giving dad a digital photo frame, he is elderly and not much into technology but loved photography and so did his dad. So will combine old photos that they took, some going back a hundred years along with the newer ones of the grandkids.
Take your dad on his dream vacation so that you will always have that special memory! (I'm taking my father to Alaska on a cruise and to revisit Anchorage!)lrussel1@rochester.rr.com
My choice is wireless headphones!
So he can watch/listen sports undisturbed, and at the same time I don't have to!!:)
Thanks for the giveaway!
For my dad my siblings and I got together and wrote our favorite memories and advice. We then made a Manly scrapbook. We just wanted to let him know all that he has done and that he still matters. He had been a little sad after having an accident.
simply put I have put togethr a video of clips of the only grandchildren from pregnancy of duaghter all the way for up to five.
we are taking him out to dinner and a good movie.. :)
We bought a city pass that allows us to visit attractions in our city. We will spend the weekend exploring our city together.
My hubby is really trying to get back in shape after going through surgeries and chemo, so the kids and I decided to get him a new trail or mountain bike. He used to love to bike as a kid, but hasn't owned one in many years. He's mentioned that he'd like to have another...so that's what he's getting for Father's Day ;)
He recently rented a car with a GPS system. He gets lost so frequently, that we thought he would enjoy his own talking street guide. She is so patient and polite to him. LOL!
My dad needs a break so I am going to mow the lawn without being told, clean the lawnmower, and edge. My dad really loves Starbucks so this would be an awesome gift for him, too.
mistyfuji at yahoo dot com
he loves to drink tea so we decided on fathers day we will fill up this huge coffee mug we found in the store. let the kids decorate it and bring it to him filled with hot tea on fathers day.
I am having my kids creating a journal for their Dad - each year they fill out a different page so that we can see how they grow and change through their lives and Dad will have an awesome keepsake and memento. They include pictures and thoughts according to their ability.
Well I live in the Detroit area, and Dad in the Poconos of PA, so with the Detroit Red Wings having won the Stanley Cup, I thought, being a huge sports fan, he would love Red Wings shirts, hats, socks, pens, anything I can get my hands on that say 2008 Stanley Cup!
A DVD slideshow of his life with his family.
A couple of movies to add to his collection that he has thought about in a long long time!
I am giving my dad some movies and CDs he's been hinting at.
My husband is interested in the stock market so I will find him a new book on investing. He loves to read and get more information on the subject.
Hubby will get a day of no nagging - I'll be out of town! Plus, he will get tickets to see The Texas Rangers.
My guy will get a day of fishing - his (and also my) favorite hobby!
guysrose at aol dot com
What I used to do when I was a child and didnt want to spend all of my money on my dad, I would make him a "Coupon Book". Inside this booklet that I made myself, I would put something different on each page that I knew my dad would love, such as- Ill take out the trash for a week, 15 minute back masage, ill watch a movie of your pick with you, Ill bake you any dessert you want, or just any other little thing that I knew he would appreciate.
The present my day loved the most was pictures of his two granddaughters in frames that said grandpa's little girls...
Dad will get a digital scale. an ACCURATE one!
We made Daddy mousepads out of foam. One is a turtle and the other is a cather's mitt and baseball. He's a QA Software guy.
My dad loves sports, so I will most likely be getting him some type of sports trivia book. He loves trivia especially sports trivia. He can never have enough sports trivia books. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. Thanks.
I am giving my dad something I know he'll love. I have a picture I recently took of him and my 3 boys.My Dad loves his morning coffee, so I ordered a coffee mug with that picture printed on it, a pound of his favorite Starbucks coffee, and I plan to find him the perfect book to read to go with it!
Just spending the day with his grandkids makes my dad light up. SO, that's what he'll be doing.
I wish my father was still here to do something for,but the best gift you can give your father is TIME,be there spend quality time with them,it doesnt cost anything an they would drather have that than any gift you could buy,an the memory would be so much sweeter,trust me,I dont remember the gifts I remember the Man,Thank you
my dad isn't with me anymore and i truly miss him. i would treat my dad to bingo and a great homecooked meal. wrap my arms around him with a really big hug and tell him i love him and he's the best.
My dad has just about everything you could imagine so I got him a giftcard to Bass Pro Shops.
Give dad what he gave you. If he spent time playing with you do the type of play he likes-in my case my husband like to bike, camp canoe etc. I encourage my sons to taketheir dad to do what he likes
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