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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

When Your Child Won't Participate

My 3-year old is involved in several activities this summer. He has swimming lessons on Monday and Wednesday, play camp on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and pee wee baseball on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.

He loves his swimming lessons and play camp, too. But, as he says, "I can't like baseball!" He has had a total of 3 baseball practices and his interest has decreased each time since his first practice. Yesterday he sat on the side of the field crying while the rest of the kids were learning about the positions and attempting to throw to first base (come on, they are only three...although some of them look like they are five!). It was about 95 degrees out, my 7-month old daughter was in the stroller, and I thought I was going to lose my mind. He finally was talked into batting when I told him we could go to the playground at this same park after practice was over.

I gave him two options: either he played on the field with his team or he watched his team play, but he had to stay with his team. I don't want him quitting...but then again, he is only three. If he isn't interested, maybe I really shouldn't force it.

Help!!! What should I do???


Anonymous said...

Take him to a couple more practices. If he absolutely resists, then take him off the team. You don't want him to hate baseball for the rest of his life due to a traumatic event that happened when he was 3!

Paula said...

i would not force him..he is in other activities so i think it would be ok if he does not want to do all three things..

Valeen said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm so curious to know what happened! My 3 yo is having the same reaction to soccer and I'm torn about what I should do...

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